- Camping Cassaduc - Gorges of Tarn - Lozere

Camping Cassaduc2 Stars2 Stars

Camping Cassaduc - logo
Camping Cassaduc - logo

Take to the skies
to discover the canyon
of Gorges du Tarn.
Come to Cassaduc!
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Camping Cassaduc - logoSandrine and Jean-Philippe Roujon
welcome you in a family camping
( 25 places )   overhanging the
Gorges du Tarn, on the Causse Sauveterre
Open from June 25 to September 05 2025
Camping Cassaduc - logo

Since 2015

The Camp-site entrance
Rest, quietness and relaxation are in the program of the Cassaduc Camp-site. You will be able to relax within pastoral and shaded surroundings, far from noisy animations.

The reception and lavatories

The unique location of the campsite offers a panorama of dreams and relaxation and allow you to spend unforgettable holydays, as a family, as a couple or as friends.

Overhanging Gorges du Tarn, the Camp-site of Cassaduc
Click for zoom(155Ko)

 In a shaded environment, on the crest of the Causse de Sauveterre, overlooking the Gorges du Tarn, the Cassaduc Camp-site offers 25 places for tents and caravans.

Shaded environment
Click for zoom(87Ko)

Hikers, bikers, the Camping Cassaduc welcomes you time to a stop on the GR6, on the Tour du Sauveterre or the Chemin de St Guilhem.
For Our friends camping truck operators possibility of overnight stays with at your disposal a motorhome area.

Near the campsite, greatly renowned tourist sites await you, such as Gorges du Tarn, the Cévennes National Park, the Millau Viaduct, the Caves de Roquefort ...

CAUSSES and CÉVENNES are classified since 2011, June 28, World Heritage by UNESCO.

Since 2009, the Camping 
Camping Cassaduc
was elected charming campsite by 
Royal Dutch Touring Club ANWB

Page Top Point Sublime des Gorges du Tarn :Page Top
Camping Cassaduc - Route du Point-Sublime - 48500 St Georges de Lévéjac -  Fixed Phone out of Season+33 (0)5 65 47 71 56 -  Fixed Phone in Season+33 (0)4 66 48 85 80 -  Mobile Phone33 (0)6 65 48 57 02 -
email : camping.cassaduc@wanadoo.fr

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